Biology, Master of Education

  • How do proteins work?
  • How are animal and plant cells structured?
  • Which role plays biotechnology for renewable energies?
  • How do species evolve?
  • How do diseases of the nervous system evolve?
Annabel Kuppels

I enjoy the hands-on exercises most, because this is where I can apply my theoretical knowledge.

– Annabel Kuppels, Bachelor's degree


Master of Education
Winter- and summer semester
4 semesters
Classroom language
Not restricted, application at the faculty required
Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Application information for international applicants

Application information for international applicants

What's it all about?
This degree programme is unique, because ...
it offers the opportunity to both research complex biological questions and to gain an understanding of fundamental didactic methods crucial for future work in a teaching position.
It provides the opportunity to specialise in the following fields ...
  • Biotechnology
  • Molecular Botany and Microbiology
  • Protein and Structural Biology
  • Biodiversity
  • Neurobiology
  • Didactic Methodology in Biology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biochemistry
  • Biophysics
Who is suited?
Those who wish to enrol in this degree programme,
  • basic understanding of experimental techniques; basic biological know-how acquired in the previous degree course
  • experimental research and teaching
Struggle through:
  • gaining an understanding of complex issues; English-language literature; drafting lesson plans for biology
This degree programme is suited for graduates in the following subjects
  • Biology, B.A. and B.Sc.
  • Biology-related degree courses (verification through the joint examination board)
Graduates from this degree programme frequently work
  • in teaching positions at grammar schools (Gymnasium) and comprehensive schools (Gesamtschule)
  • in an area related to Teaching Science
And else?
An internship ...

is mandatory. It is done during the degree course.
Duration: 4 weeks basic internship (GPO examination regulations 2995/2010) or 1 internship semester (GPO 2013 or newer)

Studying abroad ... is recommended. It is done from the 1st semester.
Duration: 1 semester
Where do I find help?
Academic advisory office

Studienfachberatung Biologie
Website academic advisory office

Contact students

Fachschaft Biologie / Biotechnologie
Building, Room: ND 03/70
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-23139
Website Fachschaft

Hannah Elders und Jean Sindern
– Hannah Elders und Jean Sindern
Tobias Beckschulte

I was already interested in laboratory work and biology in school. Since I didn't want to study medicine, biology was the most obvious thing for me.

– Tobias Beckschulte, Bachelor
Carolin Schaefer

I studied biology as an advanced course at school and was fascinated by it. I was particularly interested in how life works - even in its smallest parts, such as on a molecular and cellular level. 

– Carolin Schaefer, Master of Science

Other degree programs in the subject

Annabel Kuppels
Annabel Kuppels is a first-year student of Biology. She is pursuing the Bachelor of Science degree, 1-subject programme.

What made you choose this degree programme?

Back in school, I was interested in biology, but I initially pursued other interests. While I studied to become a teacher specialising in, among other subjects, natural sciences and engineering, I always found biology particularly fascinating. Unfortunately, the teacher training course did not give me the option to study this field in depth. This is why I eventually decided to enrol in a biology degree course.

In which respect have or haven’t your expectations been fulfilled?

I gained deeper insights into biology in my first two semesters than in my entire previous course. My expectations in that respect have been fulfilled. I would wish for more practical work; it’s all been very theoretical so far. But I am aware that this will be part of the curriculum in the next semesters.

Which aspect of your degree programme do you enjoy most?

I enjoy the hands-on exercises most, because this is where I can apply my theoretical knowledge and practise it using concrete examples.

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

The greatest challenge for me was practise for beginners in zoology. I struggled with cutting open an animal for the first time. But it didn’t take long and curiosity and interest took over. I started to look forward to each new lesson, where I would learn something new every day.

What would you like to become after completing your degree?

I would love to work in the field of marine biology or limnology. But I can also imagine working in a lab. Fortunately, there’s still time before I have to decide.

Which advice would you like to give to students who consider enrolling in this degree programme?

They should find biology fascinating and be able to persevere even if they’re not interested in a certain field of biology. If you approach the degree course with a positive attitude and ready to enjoy it, you will be able to struggle through the most tedious subjects. Moreover, you will always meet many fellow students who will make the degree course much more fun. 

Hannah Elders und Jean Sindern

What made you choose this degree programme?

In which respect have or haven’t your expectations been fulfilled?

Which aspect of your degree programme do you enjoy most?

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

What would you like to become after completing your degree?

Which advice would you like to give to students who consider enrolling in this degree programme?

Tobias Beckschulte

What made you choose this degree programme?

I was already interested in laboratory work and biology in school. Since I didn't want to study medicine, biology was the most obvious thing for me.

In which respect have or haven’t your expectations been fulfilled?

I actually went into the program with no great expectations. I was actually always looking forward to working in the lab/in the course rooms. Of course, that was only partially possible due to the pandemic. So I would say that's one thing where my expectations weren't quite met.

Which aspect of your degree programme do you enjoy most?

Biology is a subject that, in my opinion, is very horizon-expanding. When you go for a walk and suddenly know what kind of butterfly is flying past you and what plants are growing to your right and left, that's a cool feeling. Plus, with bio, you always have access to all areas of science. Biology is almost always connected to physics, chemistry, and even computer science.

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

The biggest challenge is learning. Especially in the first semester, it is very unusual and then also hard to memorize many details that are relevant for the courses. You have to get used to that first.

What would you like to become after completing your degree?

I personally would like to end up in biomedicine or biochemistry. I've always been interested in bacteria, etc. so I hope to go in that direction in the future.

Which advice would you like to give to students who consider enrolling in this degree programme?

Don't be put off if the course sounds difficult! Every course of study has its own pitfalls, and those who enjoy biology will also find the fun in studying. The secret is to stay on the ball.

Carolin Schaefer

What made you choose this degree programme?

I studied biology as an advanced course at school and was fascinated by it. I was particularly interested in how life works - even in its smallest parts, such as on a molecular and cellular level. It therefore made sense for me to study biology in order to pursue this curiosity and gain a deeper understanding of it.

In which respect have or haven’t your expectations been fulfilled?

My expectations were fulfilled in the sense that I was able to gain many exciting insights into the areas that interest me the most, such as microbiology and botany. I was able to get a taste of what it means to work in these sub-disciplines through excursions and practical exercises in the modules. In microbiology in particular, you learn to understand how microorganisms work and how you can use them. However, at the beginning of the course I underestimated the amount of information you have to absorb and retrieve in a short space of time - it was a bit stressful at first. After the first semester, however, you get used to prioritizing better and learning more effectively.

Which aspect of your degree programme do you enjoy most?

I enjoy working in the lab the most, as you can combine theory and practice there. I always find it particularly exciting to carry out experiments where you can visualize the molecular mechanisms behind the functions of cells and enzymes. Biology is super versatile and application-oriented, so there is always something new to discover. It also feels like you are actively contributing to solving real problems through your work.

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

The biggest challenge during my studies was learning to manage many different tasks at the same time. There are always several projects, internships, lectures and exams running in parallel, and you have to be well organized to keep track of everything. This constant change requires not only flexibility, but also the ability to quickly familiarize yourself with new topics.

What would you like to become after completing your degree?

I would like to work somewhere in biotechnological research later on, whether it is the development of sustainable production processes or the use of microorganisms for environmentally friendly technologies. However, I am deliberately leaving everything open to me at the moment, as there are many interesting areas and it is of course possible that I will decide on a completely different direction and a different career path later on.

Which advice would you like to give to students who consider enrolling in this degree programme?

Be aware that studying can be demanding and involves a lot of learning. But don't let this put you off - you will get used to it over time. A genuine enthusiasm for biology and enjoyment of practical laboratory work are important prerequisites. Then it's also incredibly important to make friends during your studies. Studying can be demanding, and it helps enormously if you have people with whom you can learn, exchange ideas and laugh together about a messed-up exam. It also makes studying more enjoyable if you don't have to go through it alone. So my tip would be: use internships, tutorials or study groups to make contacts and stay open to new people.