Japanese, Master of Education

  • How do I become a good Japanese teacher?
  • How do I keep my Japanese classes interesting and my students motivated?
  • What is the current situation of Japanese as a school subject in NRW?
  • What can I do to help establish Japanese firmly as a school subject?
  • What can I learn from the subjects English or French?


Master of Education
Winter- and summer semester
4 semesters
Classroom language
Not restricted, application at the faculty required
Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Application information for international applicants

Application information for international applicants

What's it all about?
This degree programme is unique, because ...
it can be studied following a B.A. degree in a linguistic science.
It provides the opportunity to specialise in the following fields ...
Who is suited?
Those who wish to enrol in this degree programme,


  • the language
  • teaching and interaction with students

struggle through:

  • an internship at school
This degree programme is suited for graduates in the following subjects
  • Japanese Studies, B.A.
Graduates from this degree programme frequently work
  • as Japanese teachers in schools
And else?
An internship ...

is mandatory. It is done prior to the degree course/during the degree course.
Duration: internship semester (Teacher Training Act 2009)

Studying abroad ... is mandatory.
Duration: 3 months
Where do I find help?
Academic advisory office

Studienfachberatung Japanisch (M.Ed.)
Website academic advisory office

Contact students

Fachschaft Ostasienwissenschaften
Building, Room: Universitätsstraße 134, Raum 2.30
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-25033
Website Fachschaft