Law, State examination

  • What is law?
  • Does law apply always and to everyone and is the same everywhere in the world?
  • Is law always fair?
  • What are the differences between private law, criminal law and public law?
  • How does society resolve disputes?
Arne Michels

What I enjoy best is opening the newspaper and thinking: ‘Cool, we discussed a similar case only the other day!’

– Arne Michels, State examination


Winter- and summer semester
10 semesters
Classroom language
Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Application information for international applicants

Application information for international applicants

What's it all about?
This degree programme is unique, because ...
Law is just as multi-layered as real life.
It provides the opportunity to specialise in the following fields ...
  • Family, assets, processes
  • Labour & social affairs
  • Corporate & competition
  • International and European economics
  • Economic management, environment & infrastructure
  • Taxes & finances
  • Criminal defence, criminal trial law and criminology
Who is suited?
Those who wish to enrol in this degree programme,
  • good German-language skills
  • social skills
  • an interest in politics
  • stamina


  • in-depth study of texts
  • logical reasoning
  • analysing and applying laws

struggle through:

  • legal opinion style
  • the language of legal texts
  • current jurisdiction
Graduates from this degree programme frequently work
  • in the field of justice as judge, criminal prosecutor, barrister
  • as administrative lawyers
  • as corporate counsels in national and international associations and organisations
  • in the corporate field as HR managers, managing directors, management advisors
  • in academic professions such as professor
And else?
Studying abroad ... is recommended. It is done from the 4th semester.
Duration: 1-2 semesters
Where do I find help?
Academic advisory office

Sebastian Lucius-Thomas
Building, Room: GD 2/508
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-27881
Website academic advisory office

Contact students

Fachschaft Jura
Building, Room: GD 1/141
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22767
Website Fachschaft

Arne Michels
Arne Michels is a fifth-year student of Law. The degree he is pursuing is the state examination/diploma.

What made you choose this degree programme?

Prior to this, I studied mechanical engineering and electrical & information engineering at the Technical University Dortmund, but I soon realised that my interest in those disciplines was not deep enough. Seeing as I used to spend many free periods in the sixth form attending criminal and civil cases in the local and district courts, I thought that this field would interest me more in both academic and professional terms.

In which respect have or haven’t your expectations been fulfilled?

Due to the reputation law has as a demanding discipline, my expectations on myself were very low. Therefore, I can say that I have more than exceeded the expectations I had on myself. My expectations on the workload, however, were (in the basic course) much higher so that my expectations in this regard have not been met. The standards change drastically once the main degree programme commences and you enter the pre-exam phase. 

Which aspect of your degree programme do you enjoy most?

What I enjoy best is opening the newspaper, reading a news item in the politics or business section and thinking: “Cool, we discussed a similar case in a lecture/work group only the other day!” Law is a very application-focused, accessible degree programme so that exams (especially those in constitutional law) often feature issues that were discussed in the press some time in the course of the previous months. Plus, it is easy to talk about the topics discussed in the lectures with your fellow students, because you can find a concrete example to illustrate any abstract issue. 

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

(Self) organisation. Finding my way through the university regulations and state examination regulations and organising the best-possible overall schedule. In addition, I’m currently preparing for my final exams. This is an even greater challenge.

What would you like to become after completing your degree?

I think I would like to work as a public prosecutor or as a lawyer specialised in criminal law.

Which advice would you like to give to students who consider enrolling in this degree programme?

Ask your departmental student committee for study aids (e.g. old exam papers), take advantage of the auxiliary courses (additional classes and written exam courses, exam training work groups), study in the library rather than at home and try to set up a flow chart for the degree programme as soon as possible. The degree programme is a full-time job and has to be perceived as such. Make friends among your fellow students and join forces with them in work groups. If there’s anything you didn’t understand – ask! Tutors and professors are happy about feedback, how else are they to know whether they have managed to successfully communicate the subject matter?