Pedagogy, Master of Education

  • What do we know about the requirements of successful learning?
  • How have the objectives of education and the institutionalisation forms of education changed over time?
  • Which research methods are appropriate for recording educational processes?
  • What constitutes good pedagogics lessons?
  • In what way can pedagogical expertise be taught in schools to adequately address the target groups?


Master of Education
Winter- and summer semester
4 semesters
Classroom language
Not restricted, application at the faculty required
Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Application information for international applicants

Application information for international applicants

What's it all about?
This degree programme is unique, because ...
it teaches educational theory and methodology and how to apply them in practice when developing lesson plans; it prepares students for teaching a subject that, within the context of the general-education school system (Gymnasium/Gesamtschule, i.e. grammar schools/comprehensive schools), constitutes a curricular feature unique to the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
It provides the opportunity to specialise in the following fields ...
  • Philosophy, Sociology and History of Education
  • Internationally Comparative Educational Research
  • Teaching and Learning Research
  • School and Lesson Development
  • Evolution and Current Situation of the Subject ‘Pedagogics’
  • Theories of Didactic Methodology
  • Development of Lesson Plans
Who is suited?
Those who wish to enrol in this degree programme,
  • good B.A. degree
  • discipline and considerable self-organisation
  • an interest in the subject Pedagogics and in strategies for developing lesson plans


  • educational theory and research
  • reflexion on discipline-related theory and research
  • the implementation of subject-specific theories into lesson plans
  • testing one’s own teaching projects under real-life conditions in class

struggle through:

  • theories and research literature pertaining to educational science
This degree programme is suited for graduates in the following subjects
  • B.A. Educational Science and a second degree course (core subject)
Graduates from this degree programme frequently work
  • in a teaching position at comprehensive and grammar schools (Gesamtschule/Gymnasium,focusing on the sixth form)
  • in a teaching position at a vocational college
  • in a teaching position at a career school
And else?
An internship ...

is mandatory. It is done prior to the degree course/during the degree course.
Duration: 4 weeks (Teacher Training Act 2005); internship semester (Teacher Training Act 2009)

Studying abroad ... can be covered voluntarily.
Where do I find help?
Academic advisory office

Dr. Kirsten Bubenzer
Building, Room: GA 2/144
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-27712
Website academic advisory office

Contact students

Fachschaft Erziehungswissenschaft
Building, Room: GA 2/40
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22113
Website Fachschaft