Development-Management, Master 1 subject

  • What are the reasons of the (in)effectiveness of development aid and assistance?
  • What are the reasons for the development or under-development of certain nations and regions?
  • How can the effectiveness of programmes and projects of development cooperation be measured?
  • What are the practical problems of planning, implementation, and evaluation of development programs and projects in the existing framework of international developmental cooperation?
  • What approaches of analyzing development as a whole exist on a theoretical and practical level, seen through the lens of an interdisciplinary and international masters programme?


Master of Arts
Winter semester
3 semesters
Classroom language
Not restricted, application at the faculty required
Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Application information for international applicants

Application information for international applicants

What's it all about?
This degree programme is unique, because ...
the innovative character of the IEE degree is not only the spectrum of methods that it offers to the student but also its practical orientation throughout the programme; students are confronted with the practical problems of planning, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects.
It provides the opportunity to specialise in the following fields ...
  • Project Management
  • Political and Administrative Sciences
  • Economic Evaluation Methods
  • International Trade and Economic Reforms
  • Financial Management
  • Empirical Social Research
Who is suited?
Those who wish to enrol in this degree programme,


  • a high affinity for development related topics
  • first experience in the field of developmental cooperation - either via two years working experience or via relevant internships or voluntary work


  • an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary programme that requires an open mind and tolerance towards the reality of international development cooperation

struggles through:

  • a challenging international Master's programme that consists of 18 months of classes, workshops, study trips and examinations - there is no vacation and you are obliged to have within this time at least two times abroad for a summer school and your field research
This degree programme is suited for graduates in the following subjects
  • Social Sciences
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Law
  • Political Sciences
  • Business Administration & Management
  • Sociology
Graduates from this degree programme frequently work
  • Development Cooperation
  • International Organisations
  • Non Governmental Organisations
  • Ministries and Central Planning Authorities
  • Consultancies
And else?
An internship ...

is mandatory. It is done during the degree course.
Duration: 3 months

Studying abroad ... is mandatory. It is done from the 2nd + 3rd semester.
Duration: 1 + 3 months
Where do I find help?
Academic advisory office

Anne Siebert
Building, Room: Universitätsstr. 105, Raum 2.03
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-19024
Website academic advisory office

Contact students

Fachschaft Development Management
Building, Room: GB 1/58
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22418
Website Fachschaft


Degree programmes' website