Romance Studies Spanish, Bachelor 2 subject

  • Which Romance languages are there and where are they spoken?
  • What do the country-specific cultural regions look like?
  • Which literatures will I have to have read?
  • How will studying Romance languages affect my career chances?
  • How do I prepare for studying abroad?
André Heckmann

If you opt to study Spanish, you mustn’t be afraid of cramming vocabulary!

– André Heckmann, Bachelor's degree


Bachelor of Arts
Winter- and summer semester
6 semesters
Classroom language
German, Spanish
Not restricted

2-Subject Bachelor Programme

This degree programme requires a second subject for which advanced knowledge of German language is mandatory.
Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Information on enrollment/application for German applicants

Application information for international applicants

Application information for international applicants

What's it all about?
This degree programme is unique, because ...
in combination with the M.Ed., it constitutes a modular degree programme in the course of which students have the option to decide whether they wish to continue their studies to become teachers after completing their B.A. degree.
It provides the opportunity to specialise in the following fields ...
  • Philology
  • Literary studies
  • Foreign language training
  • Regional and cultural studies
Who is suited?
Those who wish to enrol in this degree programme,


  • languages
  • reading

struggle through:

  • the intricacies of grammar (and, if required, the Latin proficiency certificate, if aiming for the M.Ed. degree)
Graduates from this degree programme frequently work
  • in arts administration
  • in academia
  • in the print media
  • in the PR industry
And else?
A prep course ... can be covered voluntarily.
Further information about prep courses
An internship ...

is optional. It is done as part of the optional module.

Studying abroad ... is mandatory.
Duration: 6 weeks; 3 months if aiming at becoming a teacher, if the 2nd degree course is not a modern foreign language
Where do I find help?
Academic advisory office

Dr. Judith Kittler
Building, Room: GB 7/137
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-29951
Website academic advisory office

Contact students

Fachschaft Romanistik
Building, Room: GB 7/144
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-25041
Website Fachschaft

Corinna Grabinski

I can definitely confirm that the degree course provides a good overview of the diverse aspects of Spanish culture.

– Corinna Grabinski, Bachelor's degree

Other degree programs in the subject

André Heckmann
André Heckmann is a first-year student of Romance Studies Spanish. He is pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree, 2-subject programme. André’s other discipline is History.

What made you choose this degree programme?

I have always been fascinated by the Spanish language, and foreign languages are my forte.

In which respect have or haven’t your expectations been fulfilled?

Seeing as I’ve only just started, I cannot say much yet, but I expect to be able to eventually understand and speak Spanish.

Which aspect of your degree programme do you enjoy most?

Perceiving the progress you make, and the friendly fellow students are an added bonus.

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

The entry-level test. But seeing as you can’t fail, you shouldn’t be too worried – you’ll have to attend a few more beginners’ courses, at most.

What would you like to become after completing your degree?

With a foreign language like Spanish, I would like to work abroad one day. I’m very much interested in intercultural communication. 

Which advice would you like to give to students who consider enrolling in this degree programme?

Don’t be afraid of cramming vocabulary! And having an interest in the subject is a good thing, too. If you study it half-heartedly, it could become difficult – but that’s just the way it is, I guess. Moreover, you should get used to the idea of spending some time abroad.

Corinna Grabinski
Corinna Grabinski is a third-year student of Spanish. She is pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree, 2-subject programme. Corinna's second subject is History.

What made you choose this degree programme?

I opted for the Spanish Philology degree course, because I often travel to Spain and have gained an insight into Spanish culture/mentality; moreover, I did learn the language at school.

In which respect have or haven’t your expectations been fulfilled?

I can definitely confirm that the degree course provides a good overview of the diverse aspects of Spanish culture, stretching far beyond the 21st century. It helps understand linguistic and cultural changes and gain a good overall insight.

Which aspect of your degree programme do you enjoy most?

The aspect I enjoy most is the practical application of the Spanish language, i.e. studying vocabulary and translating. This makes it easier to relate to the language and to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday situations.

What has been your biggest challenge to date?

I would not call it a challenge, but the greatest experience was the semester in Spain. Living in a country for several months, being confronted with bureaucratic and linguistic difficulties and having to fend for yourself is a novel and interesting experience. The only basis is the vocabulary you have learned, without which you wouldn’t get far.

What would you like to become after completing your degree?

Become a teacher – hopefully a good one ;)

Which advice would you like to give to students who consider enrolling in this degree programme?

You have to realise that you don’t memorise vocabulary lists, but that you will remember the words all your life, if all goes well. This awareness makes studying easier. Also, it boosts confidence to know that you’ll be able to speak Spanish as well as you native language.
Taught in lectures and seminars, general knowledge is also part of the programme. Here, you study not only the Spanish language, but also the Spanish society, political topics and important historical events.